Sunday, January 7, 2018


Who in my life should be acknowledged more? Would I like to acknowledge them for something today?

well, trying to pause or start the timer
Jesus, obviously, but that starts to cause fear. let me not be ashamed. let me live in the Spirit and let Him shine through me in His own way
it seems like such a task. let it go!
love peace hope strength speak through me Lord I love You so.
rings interruptions power strength
answer my real question
thank  you :D
double spacing between words somehow interesting.
i know why it causes fear. He has already overcome it!
grace, peace, the fruits

who else?
challenging me being strong smiling even when he doesn't feel like it redaction
helping me live day to day


"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small.
Lao Tzu"

"What is the most frustrating habit I have? What should I do to get rid of this habit?"
copy paste issues and happy for shift v
not wanting to write on some of these topics
freewrite redact
breath in getting light headed due to cold
sounds people make when they sneeze or yawn
distracted by good part of peanuts movie :D
ok let's try this:
forgetting Jesus
maybe i should....
will be connecting with Him more; see 21 days of prayer the cross mount dora
will have to ask for no interruptions from friends when I do this
i want to be completely honest but also post this. maybe i should just keep it private. :D every little thought that comes into the brain
as accountability...?

get myself outside myself: social, Jesus

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