Wednesday, September 4, 2019

20190904 MONDAY

will try to remember to repost what i can later but have to edit
874 when i ended for the morning

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Diatribe against Google:
You are stealing from your public consumers by withholding the advance algorithm which makes search work and beneficial. You are doing this to earn more money from marketing, however, because you have effectively cut search off at the knees, we do not want to use your stupid advertising engine (no longer search engine) anyway. We are not going to buy things just because you strong arm us into only being able to FIND advertisements from companies who pay for the privilege. Some of us don't even have the money, whether we would like to or not, and even if we buy stuff, we still can't use you accurately for the purpose of searching, so why bother?

Only problem is, there are no other search engines out there who do have the right information, so how did we get it before the Internet? Let's all go offline.


Adding the visual element:
whether you write handwritten or type, but looking over the writing again, making a visual association, seeing what it looks like, quantifying and evaluating
Some people are not born auditory learners and actors. There is a way, if you want to write, to express what you feel and know and love and what won't just stay inside for you to experience but must come out for others to see in the way you most benefit from expressing it and sharing it, to associate it with visual if you are visual, or tactile, etc.

liking my words to be bigger because they seem to count more? or flow better? this is a question rather than a statement because if the words are bigger, wouldn't that mean they do not count as much? lol may be the visual thing that prompted the above statement, even though I am more an auditory learner/expresser?

stream of consciousness in a sense but used well
i.e. going back over words posted in certain locations and getting use out of them through those locations rather than dumping in a specific location and never going back and finding out how they were useful at the time or for "all" time-it's a gradient.

writing just to write but as facebook sage implied, making use, making great out of the words that you spill. writing for fun or for yourself or for no reason can be made into something that helps myself, others, etc. in probably infinite ways lol

word count challenge, if proving, how to show where you got all this information if confidential writing :D
placeholder words ehhh...

why do i run out of things to actually say to myself or for whatever purpose i'm writing before the challenge? it's not a critique necessarily, but a prompt to see what my hangups and challenges are so that I can get back to saying. i'm probably not done talking, expressing, etc., but there are many impediments, inhibitions, obstacles, positive and negative, that interrupt (even interruptions, some I want to pursue and give thought to, and some I want to address and move on)

more words elsewhere to 1000/day goal on 7 Day Creative Writing Challenge

Sunday, January 7, 2018


Who in my life should be acknowledged more? Would I like to acknowledge them for something today?

well, trying to pause or start the timer
Jesus, obviously, but that starts to cause fear. let me not be ashamed. let me live in the Spirit and let Him shine through me in His own way
it seems like such a task. let it go!
love peace hope strength speak through me Lord I love You so.
rings interruptions power strength
answer my real question
thank  you :D
double spacing between words somehow interesting.
i know why it causes fear. He has already overcome it!
grace, peace, the fruits

who else?
challenging me being strong smiling even when he doesn't feel like it redaction
helping me live day to day


"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small.
Lao Tzu"

"What is the most frustrating habit I have? What should I do to get rid of this habit?"
copy paste issues and happy for shift v
not wanting to write on some of these topics
freewrite redact
breath in getting light headed due to cold
sounds people make when they sneeze or yawn
distracted by good part of peanuts movie :D
ok let's try this:
forgetting Jesus
maybe i should....
will be connecting with Him more; see 21 days of prayer the cross mount dora
will have to ask for no interruptions from friends when I do this
i want to be completely honest but also post this. maybe i should just keep it private. :D every little thought that comes into the brain
as accountability...?

get myself outside myself: social, Jesus

Saturday, February 25, 2017

One Hundred Fifty-One

December 5, 2016
Did You Know You’re Contagious?
Sharon Jaynes
Today’s Truth

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4 NIV).

Lord, please keep me contagious for good! :D

Help me to "stem the tide of malice" where it's begun, and to not start something whether I can finish it or not, unless it be from You.

[flat feet and frustration in the airport]

(Started yesterday but did not quite finish. Also posted on 720 since it was still selected. That's why I don't like the new selector, Blogger.)

[typical look of someone as they're doing something (happy, sad, determined, etc.)

"Gretchen had an effervescent sense of joy … wiping toilet seats. It seemed to come from a deep-seated heart of gratitude. And it spilled over to every single woman who left her station.

[How you purpose your attitude and then interact with others can affect them, for good or for bad.]

[A good attitude helps others want to spend more time with you.]

"On the counter rested a tip jar filled to the brim with thanks. But I don’t think the 'tips' were for wiping the germs away from the toilet seats, but for wiping the doldrums away from their hearts and frowns off of their faces. And for some strange reason, I just wanted to give Gretchen a hug. I did. She didn’t mind."

[real service versus just doing a job]

Let’s Pray

God, I am so thankful today. Thank You for eyes that see, ears that hear, lips that speak, legs that walk, and arms that hug. Thank You that I have a roof over my head, shoes on my feet, and food in my pantry. I pray You will set a guard over the door of my mouth so that no grumbling will escape its threshold. Help me be a contagious carrier of gratitude.
In Jesus’ Name,

Now It’s Your Turn

Get a piece of paper and write the numbers 1-100 down the left-hand side.
Then write down 10 things you are thankful for by numbers 1-10.
Tuck the list into your Bible and add to the list as things you are grateful for come to

1. the Holy Trinity
2. family
3. friends
4. life
5. acquaintances
6. strangers
7. 音楽
8. love
9. freedom
10. peace

Friday, February 24, 2017


Still had people talking to me last night. I'm glad it's good for them, but it is part of why I wake up. I don't really mind so much. It's nice for both of us, I think, just to be able to talk ad lib.

Writing all this is probably improving my mind. That insertion of "ad lib" was pretty accurate.

I remembered as I sat here that there was someone who wanted to spend time with me today. Let's see if I see him. Among that population, there are many who are willing to try. They speak of buying me lunch, etc., though one time, without knowing me, a man asked me to sleep with him without me knowing him. Must have been the false rumors about who I'd slept with that originated from the shelter at which I was staying at the time.

No teeth this morning. I'll probably wait until breakfast. I went back and forth as to whether to use my camera, and as to where to go. I finally decided on IU and biscuits and gravy.

I'm growing tired, and I want to do my Bible study, so I'll (pause?) here for now.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Booking Through Thursday 20170209

This post may not have the requisite 720 words, but it is my daily public journal, so I felt the response most appropriate here.

"What kind of book do you like to curl up with on a snowy day?"

I'm not sure that the weather really affects my reading habits; however, I like to read different things in different locations, with different drinks. Many of these "ideals" likely coincide with what others would say in the same situations.

the beach--magazine/light reading
the mountains--intellectual (Is this a made up thing?)
home--nonfic/ref, something I'm comforted with (favorite series, Chicken Soup/inspirational, rare occasion that I'll want a novel/fic)

hot cocoa/snow--comforting, familiar
soda--mostly generic in the sense of anything (not specifically pertaining to a specific genre), but again, ties to a location in some circumstances, read: beach

In general, I love reading, especially non-fic/memoirs (this line gets blurred, since I think Harry Potter series/Room are so real in my mind--other good writing), not just for reference. I'll pick up just about anything when I want to read. If it's worth it, keep going. If not (have yet to find too many of those, though some targeted to a different (younger, etc.) audience), give it back to the "Little Free Library" I got it from and begin the search again. :D